I worked on the Hopscotch project over 2019 while at Thumbs Up. I was the designer overseeing initial market research as well as creative aspects including colour palette, packaging construction, design and collaboration on art direction for promotional material.
"Hopscotch brings fun, freshness and fire to the fashion tech market. Its chic accessory collections can transform the rather dull looking tech in your pocket into something much more glam. Everyday tech essentials no longer have to be hum drum – they can be fun, fresh and fierce with Hopscotch"

I started on this project from scratch, coming up with different trends and possibilities for colour and style with absolute free rein on the packaging design which was amazing. 
Working closely with the product managers was great because they sourced a lot of the product. After doing some research on SS21, I decided pastels were the way to go. The target demographic was set as young women who like to use tech products and need to charge devices or play music on the go but want to look cool doing it.  We were planning to pitch the range to US companies like Justice, as well as UK based like Claire's.
Below are items the product team sourced. We rolled the pantones out onto them all and added to Hopscotch logo.
I started looking at packaging solutions and thought it would be lovely to have something that could be constructed in parts: something intriguing, something you want to touch, take apart, something that lets the colours of the product speak. 
Since the design was going to be relatively clean and simple, it was really important to make sure the finishes created interest so I designed boxes which slot together where the outer was a soft matt finish and the inner colour pop had a high gloss finish. 
Below is a flat artwork for the charging cable to show the construction. 
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